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The Pinstripes - Let's get it on
Und hier präsentieren wir euch den Gewinner des ersten "Rumble59 Battle of the Bands"! "The Pinstripes" haben sich mit ihrem verdammt rotzigen "Let's get it on" nicht nur den ersten Platz und die Herzen der Damen erspielt, sondern zudem eine Schatzkiste voller Rumble59-Outfits, einen Kofferraum voller "Hell Yeah!"-Bier und - last but not least - dieses arschcoole Video für ihren Gewinnersong. Vorhang auf! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RUMBLE59 proudly presents the winner of the first "Rumble59 Battle of the Bands"! "The Pinstripes" with their energetic Rockabilly Song "Let's get it on" have won not only the contest and a lot of sweet girls' hearts, but a treasure chest full of Rumble59 Outfits, a trunk full of "Hell Yeah!"- Beer and last but not least this awesome Musicvideo for their winning Song! So without further ado: Let's get it on! Credits: The Pinstripes A Beastwood Film Produced by Rumble59 Directed by Dirk "The Pixeleye" Behlau